After you read in our article some solutions of how to organize smartly a small apartment is time to rethink your house, right? If you don’t have money for big changes, maybe a bunk bed could be a great option for you. Bunk beds are not just for kid’s rooms. In fact, they can be a great option for houses with small rooms. Their space-spacing design makes them ideal for use in smaller rooms. Here are a few smart bunk bed designs and tips on how to incorporate them into a small house to create a cozy and inviting bedroom.

Vertical Fold-Out Beds

Most of the times, we don’t need access to our beds during the day. This means you could build or buy a fold out bunk bed that vanishes during the day. You might need to plan carefully where this fold out bed set would fit well in your tiny room, but it is possible. Consider the height so that the upper bed is not too close to the ceiling. This idea suits kids’ room.

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Twin Over Full Bunk Bed

Alternately, you can build or install a twin over full bunk bed that is either inflexible or pulls out lengthwise rather than vertically. However, this depends on the shape and space of your room. There are many variations of twin over full bunk beds.

Slide-Out Bunk Bed

If you are thinking of building a multiple decker bunk bed, why not have three beds, one under the other, that can slide out when you want to access them. For them to fit alongside one another, they have to be quite narrow. This can work well in a tiny house. In fact, you can have the bottommost bed double up as a sofa during the day.

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Bunk Bed Curtains

If you are sharing your tiny room with your kids and you are concerned about privacy, it would be better to install some curtains on their bunk beds. This will enhance your privacy and give your kids their mini bedrooms. You can choose curtain fabric that fits your house décor and style.
You can make this space more independent by installing shelves, lamps, and other sophistication.

Sofa-Bunk Bed

This is another bunk bed idea you can implement if you have small rooms. Having your sofa turn into a bunk bed is a great method to solving the problem of needing seats and space during the day and beds during the night. This will kill two birds with one stone. You can have a custom sofa-cum-bunk bed made for you.

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Triple Decker Bunk Bed

You will need to plan and workout height specifications of this bed quite carefully. If you have a tiny house and need to have a bed that accommodates more than two kids, why not go an extra step to build a triple-decker bunk bed?
Some mobile homes do this, and therefore it’s possible to implement the same in a small room too. What a great way to make good use of the available space.

Cut Corners

If you have really limited space, why not cut corners of your bunk beds? This could make a huge difference especially if you are trying to fit in extra beds. This bunk bed idea is particularly good for a parent with small kids.

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Dining Space to Bed Under a Roofspace

Among these bunk bed ideas for small rooms, only this might not count as a bunk bed; we have included it because it can help you fit two sizeable beds into your small room.
Imagine a dining and seating area. Often these sofas have some cushions stored under them and fold out using an additional wooden slat to form a double bed. You can place this lounge-dinner bed under your loft, to have double beds.

Bunk Bed Windows

If you want to have a mini bedroom, why stop at lamps and curtains? When designing your small room, have windows at the right heights. There is nothing like too much light in a small room; you can wake up when the sun is streaming to your bed. You can have windows’ positioned adjacent to your bed.
That said, to add extra windows near your bunk beds is quite a challenging job. Before proceeding with this bunk bed idea, consider all the implications.
Now that you are aware of the many bunk bed ideas you can try for your small room let’s discuss the benefits of bunk beds.

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Why Choose a Bunk Bed?

Bunk beds are known for their appeal to kids, but they can offer more purpose than just offering children a funky sleeping area. Whether you are living in university, school, hotel, or small apartment, you can take advantage of bunk beds. Here are some of their benefits;

They Save On Space

One of the major benefits of buying bunk beds is that they can save considerable space. Battling the demand and supply of space is a nightmare for individuals living in small apartments. Bunk beds offer you an opportunity to cater to more individuals at once while not sacrificing on style and comfort. Extension of small rooms or renting bigger houses involves a lot of investment and planning. You can alleviate all these hassles by installing these beds. Many of the bunk beds for sale are available in different sizes and designs, and you will definitely get the best one for your space.


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If you are projecting to make changes to your rooms in future, most bunk beds for sale offer great flexibility. You can find them in full and twin sizes, or a combination of both- this is helpful for accommodating kids of different ages. You can also go for bunk bed designs that convert into sofas.

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They Are Stylish

Bunk beds come in an array of styles; available in wooden and metal frames that will help compliment your interior décor and style. It will be hard not to find a style or design that doesn’t suit your house décor.


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Easily Assembled and Affordable

Not only are these beds space-saving, but they are also very affordable compared to buying two separate beds. Each bunk bed comes with clear instruction on how to assemble them.

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Bottom Line

There many creative ways of squeezing a set of bunk beds into your small room. Whether you are looking for a flexible bunk bed or, a permanent set of beds, or a clever way of making your bed a sofa during the day, the above bunk bed ideas will work for you. You can design your own or go for readymade ones. They will help you make good use of the available space in your tiny room.


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