It’s no fun having to squeeze your way through your apartment trying not to trip over the coffee table on your way to the couch. The cost of living in most major cities with larger rent and smaller apartments means that many people are either priced out, or finding themselves living in increasingly cramped quarters. This article seeks to show you how you can maximize what space you do have in creative and practical ways.

Storage Furniture

This is a highly practical and efficient way to meet your furniture and storage needs in one. Beds with drawers to store clothes or blankets, coffee tables with room inside, and bookshelves are all great ways to keep your place looking organized and clutter-free. When space is limited, it’s also a good idea to buy pieces that double up as additional items. For instance, wall-mounted pull-out desks or tables that can be extended for when you have guests.

Vertical Lighting

A common way to make a room seem bigger is to make use of vertical space through your lighting choices. This can include a fixture such as a long pendant lamp hanging from the ceiling which will emphasize a room’s height rather than its small floor space. Very thin and tall lamps are another option that will give you more space and will help to emphasize the verticality of the room.

Use Mirrors

Mirrors can be strategically positioned to reflect the most light and space, adding a larger feel to your apartment. When it comes to mirrors, the bigger the better. An oversized mirror is perfect for small spaces since it expands the sense of visual space giving the illusion of a taller and wider apartment.

Less Is More

When it comes to any apartment, a minimalist approach can certainly be helpful, especially when you’re short on space. Regular decluttering is a great way to simplify your surroundings. Give away your old clothes, shoes, and books and recycle old magazines and paperwork that you no longer need. Instead of hoarding everything you’ve ever bought, learn to let go of unnecessary items and appreciate what you do have.

Taking care of your belongings will not only make them last longer, but will mean you make fewer unnecessary purchases. Renters insurance is also a helpful way to make sure your belongings are covered in the case of any unwanted accidents or unexpected events, learn more here.

Hide Your TV

TVs can take up a lot of space in a small room. A great solution is to hide your TV away from view. It can be placed inside a cabinet, or if you’re feeling creative, you can cleverly disguise it behind some artwork. If you’d rather have it on display, another option to save space is to mount your TV on a wall or above a fireplace, allowing you to regain much-needed floor space.
These are all simple solutions that can be easily incorporated to make your modern living space as welcoming, and as roomy as possible.