Read in Architecture...
Explore our collection of fascinating houses & villas, original ideas, and the Best of selections we regularly prepare by the end of every year. All the architectural projects presented on designrulz.com are the work of valuable architects, gifted interior designers and talented new comers that reflect on what is architecture with passion, intelligence and care for the environment. In a nutshell, this represents an architectural digest with catchy pictures, smart solutions and plenty of useful links that guide you directly to the sources.
Every sub-category of this section – Houses & Villas, Original Ideas and Best Of – gathers relevant information connected to planning, engineering, and buildings. Present-day projects are fascinating, extremely daring, and with poor limitations when it comes to innovation. You will be surprised to see how contemporary architects imagine the space and its ‘decoration’, the human beings and their daily ‘nest’.
When designing your lovely crib, inspiration is key. From elegant ancient styles that require attention to details – such as Gothic architecture, the style of many castles, palaces, and universities in Europe and worldwide – to the high-end finishes of the modern architecture, our collections feature lots of sparkling ideas. If you are an exhibitionist, have a look on Frank Gehry’s buildings – labelled by Vanity Fair as the most important architect of our age – and then try new experiments in both architecture and design. Also, browse the architectural design posts for smart solutions, but also those related to landscape architecture for fresh tips on these topics.
Architecture is, by definition, a melting point, a fusion of various perspectives on space and human habitat. You have to obtain the comfortable mix between functionality, budget and architectural design so that the living space becomes at home. As you will find out from this ‘architect magazine’, the final mixture will definitely reflect your identity. Thus, pay attention to what echoes best your nature and create a space with personality.