When it’s time for home renovations, you might consider yourself the budding designer, one with a growing Pintrest board of ideas ready to exploit. And that’s great! Choosing your dream tiles and color scheme can help push that dated bathroom into the 21st century.

However, certain aspects of bathroom design warrant input from a professional plumber, regardless of your confidence and steadfast commitment to style.

There’s likely a series of water flow and drainage factors that haven’t been considered, all of which could cause you severe problems down the line. So it’s advised that you have a chat with your local plumber before purchasing new toilets, faucets, shower heads and fixtures.

Here’s how you can avoid 5 common bathroom design mistakes by consulting a professional plumber:

1. Wrong Walk in Shower Dimensions

A walk in shower is ideal for bringing those luxurious resort vibes into the everyday bathroom. That is if you have the space to pull it off. A walk in shower is defined by its openness and lack of doors and curtains. To achieve this design, you’re going to need a fair amount of free bathroom space.

Walk in shower dimensions can vary but should be no smaller than 42 to 60 inches square. A reasonable amount of space between the shower and other amenities is also required to avoid splashback and a wet floor. If you can’t accommodate the appropriate walk in shower dimensions then a plumber will likely advise against having one installed.

2. Low Pressure Shower Head Horrors

Taps, faucets and shower heads are all critical components of bathroom design, but a common mistake is when homeowners favor design and price over performance. A low pressure shower head may meet design requirements, but it will fail to do anything beneficial beyond reducing water usage.

Your typical lower pressure shower head could provide weak water flow, delay the hot water and generally provide a less pleasant showering experience. The reduced pressure can also result in longer showers being required to achieve the desired results.

It’s worth having a chat with a plumber who can advise on a lower pressure shower head alternative and take care of the installation.

3. Wall Mounted Toilet Troubles

The wall mounted toilet is a modern, aesthetically pleasing system ideal for smaller bathrooms. These space saving options take up little floor space and can really help boost bathroom design. Although they can also carry complex installations and frustrating fixes should problems arise. The cistern and all pipes of a wall mounted toilet are concealed in the wall or floor, meaning costly construction work can be required when installing or repairing a system.

The wall mounted toilet also carries a weight limit that differs from model to model. So before purchasing a wall mounted toilet, it’s worth speaking with experts, like the team at Metropolitan Plumbing.

4. Forgot the Exhaust Fan

Plumbers will tell you that ventilation is often an afterthought when improving bathroom design. But it’s crucial for beating black mold. Mold can grow in any environment with condensation or humidity, so the bathroom is the ideal breeding ground.

Exposure can lead to black mold symptoms, including coughing, sore throat, red and itchy eyes, rashes, and mold is a known contributor to asthma attacks and breathing difficulties.

The best way to beat black mold is to run an exhaust fan every time you shower or bathe. Installing bathroom lighting with a built-in exhaust fan or having a separate fan installed can go a long way to improving your family’s health, so don’t forget to add one to your bathroom design.

5. Failed to Fit a Floor Drain

Another aspect of bathroom design that tends to be overlooked is the floor drain. We’re not talking about the shower drain or the sink drain. But the drain within the bathroom floor that’s essential for removing spillage from the shower, bath and vanity sink.

A bathroom floor drain will take care of spillage and flooding and help prevent permanent water damage and fall hazards.

The floor drain should generally be fitted in a central location between all sources of running water. Speak with a local technician who will advise on the optimal placement for a floor drain and take care of the installation. Don’t worry; you can still select a drain grate or cover that matches the floor and stylings of your new bathroom.

And by following the above advice of chatting to your plumber, you will be well on your way to avoiding problematic bathroom design mistakes without sacrificing your dream decor.