Street artists Zebrating are an incredible duo from Mannheim, Germany. Zebrating loosely translates to, ‘making the zebra’, which describes their artistic style that uses a striping technique (like that of a zebra’s). Railings lend nicely to this style as the vertical rails are already evenly spaced to start. Much of their work can be seen in Mannheim, but they have started to hit other cities in Germany like Berlin and Stuttgart. You just have to find the right angle to notice the picture they wanted to paint. Contemporary artists that have mastered this form of illusionary art include Julian BeeverEdgar Mueller and Awtar Singh Virdi.

Julian Beever, often called the ‘Pavement Picasso’, is one of the greatest sidewalk chalk artists. Using a method called anamorphosis, Julian Beever creates pavement drawings that gives the illusion of three dimensions when viewed from the correct angle. Awtar Singh Virdi from India is a skilled anamorphic artist. Anamorphosis is an art of distorted projection or perspective requiring the viewer to occupy a specific vantage point in order “see” the image. The image appears distorted at first when viewed from a conventional position and without aid. But when a cylindrical mirror is placed on the drawing and the reflection viewed, the distorted image magically transforms into a beautiful painting.

Visit Zebrating Art’s facebook page here.

  An interesting outdoor illusion painted on the barred-fence located somewhere in the streets of Mannheim.