Who says you can not create a small jungle at home? With raw tastes and bold spirits, designers from Mr. Mitchell studio succeeded in transforming this 1960’s apartment into a stylish retro crib. As you can easily notice, tall plants, wooden tambourines and prints with jungle motifs make the inhabitants feel free in crowded South-Yarra, a suburb of Melbourne, Australia. Relying on hot contrasts and original pieces of furniture, the space invites you to relax, dream and create. No doubt that the custom-made and designed U-shaped banquette with macramé screens to three sides provides a stunning central focal point for the apartment. On the other side, the kitchen is completely white, functioning like a moment of respite in the home-made wilderness. Last, but not least, two velvet chairs and an unusual table create a private, chatting corner, supervised by several phantasmal paintings above.  Would you try this at home?

modern designrulz (9) modern designrulz (1) modern designrulz (2) Mr Mitchell South Yarra Apartment Mr Mitchell South Yarra Apartment Mr Mitchell South Yarra Apartment modern designrulz (5) Mr Mitchell South Yarra Apartment Mr Mitchell South Yarra Apartment