Rio de Janeiro is planning to build a gigantic energy-generating artificial  waterfall for the 2016 Olympics!
The next Olympics will be in Rio de Janeiro, and it will be a giant generator of sustainable energy, a skyscraper that would also be a waterfall, capable of producing energy during the day and night.
The project was designed by Rafaa Architecture & Design , a studio-winning based in Zurich. The Solar City Tower, and has served as a symbol of the Olympic Games, aims to lay the foundation for environmental consciousness movement. During the day, energy is produced in a solar plant. The excess is used to push seawater into a storage tank inside the tower. At night, water is used to generate electricity for the city. If the occasion demands, the stored water can be released by the edges of the building, making it a gigantic waterfall, according to Rafaa, would be “a symbol of the forces of nature.”